Getting started

We help you help yourself.

Through our web-design affiliate,, we can help you turn every computer in the world into a sales tool for your company.

And we do so for amazingly low prices for a turnkey site ready for your business message!

Having your own site is no longer a difficult and long, drawn-out operation. With very little effort and financial investment — starting at just $299– you can have your own functioning, company blogsite up and running in as little as 24 hours.

No more cost-prohibitive web design projects and site updates requiring a professional webmaster who might promises your change next week — and then gets it to you a week after that.

We boost your business by cutting your web marketing costs AND by helping YOU manage your own site with only minutes a day.

Start communicating your business message to customers in your community and around the world with just a few minutes of training, thanks to the ready-to-go site options provided by

 Simple set-up

With our simple set-up process, you’ll register for one of our service options, complete the simple forms required and you’ll receive guidelines for planning your blogsite content for the best outcomes possible.

And once your site is ready, you’ll be able to post your first message to customers and prospective customers in less than five minutes.

We’ll even provide you with a list of sure-fire content ideas for building excitement for your new site.

You’ll also receive a series of simple tutorials that will guide you to success as you learn the fundamentals of maintaining your site.

If you don’t have a domain name, we can give you pointers as to possible selections.

If you have a domain registered but don’t have a site hosting package, we can point you toward several options that offer excellent service at bargain prices, some at less than $6 a month including the domain name.

If you have an existing website that you want to keep, we can help you to get your new site linked in a variety ways to the Internet presence that you already have. 

Save loads of time

Building a blogsite is like opening a box of puzzle pieces and put them together in hopes that something good will result.  Selecting the right blog platform, the right sidebar elements, and finding the right design theme are time-consuming steps for those inexperienced in such.

Yes, novices can reach the point of adequacy in this process.  But not without hours of effort.  We know.  We’ve been there and want to help you avoid that “black hole” of computer time.

You have a business to run and the value of your time at the helm of your business is much greater than the economical cost of our business blog set-up service.

That’s where we come in.

Lets face it, your building and managing a business, you have many other things to worry about. 

You’re in control

We go through the various design options on our roster.  If you want another design, we discuss it’s potential and additional cost.  If you desire, we can advise you as to page listings, content, forms,  surveys, polls, advertising, and minor customization.

Maybe you have a company logo or key photo you want put into the site. We’ll talk with you about the cost before we do any optional work.  We don’t like surprises and understand that you don’t, either.

Once your plan is completed, we set it up for you, show you how it works and walk you through a step-by-step process so you can confidently begin blogging your way to business success.

Our goal is to make business blogging easy and economical for all sorts of business people just like you who have good news about good products and services.

 To learn more about the many cost-conscious options for your business blogging needs, contact us at or use the simple, secure form available on our Contact us page